Lithi2-16 Battery Pack
I recently purchased a RUiXU Lithi2-16 battery and a LuxPower SNA-6000 (I may have the US version) and am struggling to make them work together; they have a closed-loop connection. The inverter/charger defines the battery type to Lithium and the 'Lithium brand' as 6 (Luxpower). The PV is a single array on Pv1 with ten 410W panels. The battery info screen says Software version RX02 and Firmware version RS_GA02V01_51200.
When I unpacked the battery, the SOC was 59%. It has now dropped to 54% after leaving the system on for one day. Why isn't the inverter charging the battery?
When I turned on the system this morning, the inverter started charging the battery, but only for a very brief period, around a minute or less. During this time, the inverter display showed PV1 producing 350V and the arrow pointing to the battery while the fan was running at full speed. The battery info screen showed elevated voltage (53.33V), current (48.98A) and power (2610W). After a minute, the charging stops and the SOC stays at 54%.
Is this possibly a firmware issue? Should I upgrade to RX03 or RX04?